Thursday, October 21, 2010

Star Light, Star So Bright

Star light, star so bright
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have this wish, I wish tonight.

A pair of diamond earrings
With a matching bracelet, too
A pair of Skecher's sneakers
I would prefer them blue

A new electric mixer
My old one is so worn
And cowboy china would be cool
My heart is so forlorn

A tigers eye pendant
And a new pair of boots
How 'bout a pair of wranglers
I think I'd look so cute

But most of all, I wish for peace
The world's time is at nigh
That daddy's will come home tonight
And mommy's will not cry

I wish for children, safe & warm
To rest their little head
A meal to eat, and shoes to wear
And a blanket for their bed

My hopes are Santa will come this year                                                     
And bring so many gifts
Of hope and joy, of love and peace
Our turmoils we will sift

Out with the old and in with the new
Shake off your tattered dreams
Renew your faith and lift your chin
A star forever beams!

written by: Tina Thompson Powers October 21, 2010